Perm Engineering and Industrial Forum 2023 took place in Perm from November 29 to December 1. The forum included more than 50 events for business representatives and 20 scientific and technical councils with participation of leading enterprises and holdings of the Kama region and Russia. The key theme of the Engineering-Industrial Forum 2023 is the man of labor: people and staff of enterprises.
One of the organizers of the events was JSC MC SEZ Perm. On November 30, an open session dedicated to the development of industrial infrastructure in the Perm Territory was held. Alexey Valeryevich Chibisov, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Perm Krai - Minister of Industry and Trade of the Perm Krai, addressed the participants with a welcoming speech. He outlined the prospects for the development of industrial infrastructure in the region. Special attention was paid to the measures of state support and the mechanism of stimulating the development of industrial infrastructure.
At the end of his speech Alexey Valerievich voiced the key role of the special economic zone "Perm" created in 2022 in the development of the Perm Krai. Ilya Grigorievich Shulkin, General Director of the SEZ Perm Management Company JSC, spoke in detail about the opportunities for the implementation of new investment projects on the territory of SEZ Perm. The participants of the meeting received up-to-date information about the benefits provided to entrepreneurs in SEZ Perm and the conditions for obtaining SEZ resident status. Ilya Grigorievich gave comprehensive answers to all questions coming from the audience directly at the event site.
Evgeny Igorevich Kravchenko, Deputy Director of the Association of Clusters, Technoparks and SEZs of Russia, was specially invited to Perm to participate in this event. He spoke about the peculiarities of creating tools for industrial clusters, technoparks in the sphere of industry and high technologies. He also presented examples of successful projects in the sphere of high technologies, which are already being implemented in Russia. One such project is the Perm Technopark "Morion Digital", which, according to experts from the Association and the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, is one of the best in the country. At the end of his speech, Evgeny Igorevich announced that our technopark took an honorable third place in the all-Russian rating, and in a solemn ceremony presented the director of the "Morion Digital" technopark, Oskar Yagafarov, with the corresponding diploma. A total of 111 technoparks from 34 regions of Russia took part in the evaluation.
After accepting the well-deserved award and congratulations from the participants of the event, Oskar Faitovich shared the success story of the technopark and talked about the development model. Achievements in the field of high technologies and innovations contribute to confirming the status of Perm Krai as an important center for attracting investments and developing new technologies in Russia.
On the third and final day of the Perm Engineering and Industrial Forum 2023, a meeting of the working group under the Perm Krai Ministry of Industry was held to evaluate passports and financial and economic models of investment projects of potential residents of the special economic zone of industrial production type "Perm".
During the working group meeting, chaired by Alexey Valeryevich Chibisov, passports and financial and economic models of investment projects of three companies planning to establish their production in the territory of SEZ "Perm" were considered. Among the companies intending to become residents of the Special Economic Zone, their investment projects were presented by OOO Zavod GERMES and OOO Perm Plant Zvezda, an enterprise of the UralGazRemont group of companies. The application for amendment of the terms of the Agreement on carrying out industrial and production activities in the special economic zone of the current resident of SEZ SPT Perm, OOO Osentsovsky Steel Rolling Plant, a metallurgical plant for the production of long products, was also considered. The planned projects involve the development of high-tech industries, as well as metalworking. This will not only create new jobs, but also develop the region's economy as a whole.
The approval of all three applications by the working group represents a significant step in the development of the region's industry and economy, and is an incentive for investment inflow. By obtaining the status of a Special Economic Zone resident, companies will be able to take advantage of tax benefits and free connection to energy resources, which will contribute to their further development and growth.
"Holding an open dialog is a great opportunity to bring together industry representatives, investors and entrepreneurs to discuss, exchange ideas and establish new business contacts. PIPF has become just such a platform. We are convinced that the activity and enthusiasm of the participants will help to attract new residents, and with them new investments in the development of the region's industry" - Ilya Grigorievich Shulkin, General Director of JSC Management Company SEZ Perm, commented on the results of the events.