The first building - the SEZ construction headquarters - was commissioned on the territory of the Perm Special Economic Zone of Industrial Production Type. A regular meeting of the Public Council under the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Perm Krai was held there.
Ilya Shulkin, General Director of the managing company of the Special Economic Zone, said that the SEZ construction headquarters was provided with everything necessary for holding meetings and presentation meetings. "Putting the headquarters into operation has become an important stage in providing conditions for our residents to start construction of facilities. The building already now offers comfortable conditions for work", - commented the manager.
At present, work on the creation of the infrastructure of the Perm Special Economic Zone of Industrial Production Type continues. Contracts have already been signed for the technical connection of electricity, water and sewage supply, design and estimate documentation is being developed and engineering surveys of the land plot for the construction of facilities have been carried out. In the next few years, direct construction of engineering infrastructure will be carried out, transport accessibility of the SEZ will be organized, the site will be prepared for construction of industrial facilities by residents and connection of their plots to the infrastructure created on the territory.
The meeting of the Public Council under the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Kama Region discussed the issues of industrial development in the region, and also approved the work plan for 2024. Elena Degtyareva, First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Perm Krai, told the meeting participants about off-site events in the field of industry. According to her, round tables, conferences, seminars, working meetings with entrepreneurs, visits to regional industrial facilities, international industry exhibitions and forums and other such events help the Ministry's specialists to promptly respond to the current challenges of the industrial sector and actively interact with the business community. Using the example of business missions of Kama enterprises to India and Indonesia last year, Elena Degtyareva showed that field trips are held not only to support the domestic market, but also to promote domestic products to foreign markets, develop export potential and attract foreign investment.
Alexander Nikolaev, Director of the Regional Engineering Center of Perm Krai, summed up the results of 2023 activities and voiced the key areas of work for the near future - development of digitalization and digital technologies in engineering, as well as industrial cooperation. The head of RCI emphasized the need of large industrial enterprises in the services of design, production and operation of products using modern information technologies. The importance of creating favorable conditions for attracting talented specialists to the engineering industry was also noted.
The final item on the agenda of the meeting was the functioning of the infrastructure for the development of innovative activities in Perm Krai. Elena Degtyareva spoke in detail about the existing programs and projects aimed at supporting innovation initiatives. The members of the Public Council under the Ministry of Industry and Trade and other participants of the meeting noted that these and other measures to support the Kama Region's enterprises will help to solve the problem of the shortage of highly qualified specialists in the region, including for the industrial facilities of SEZ residents.