Under the chairmanship of Elena Degtyareva, First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Perm Krai, a meeting of the Expert Council of the Perm Special Economic Zone of Industrial Production Type was held. As a reminder, the Council includes representatives of the Administration of the Perm Municipal District, the Department of Economy and Industrial Policy of the Perm City Administration, the Department of the Federal Tax Service for the Perm Region, the Investment Development Agency, the Perm Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Regional Engineering Center Foundation, the Regional Industrial Development Fund of the Perm Region, as well as representatives of the SEZ Perm Management Company JSC. A. V. Chibisov, Deputy Chairman of the Government - Minister of Industry and Trade of the Perm Krai, and A. V. Chibisov, Minister of Economic Development of the Perm Krai, sent their written opinions. V. Chibisov and the Minister of Economic Development and Investments of the Perm Krai E. O. Chibisov. О. Sosnin, as well as representatives of the Perm branch of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" and the Department of Regional Development of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.
In addition to government officials and permanent members of the Expert Council, the meeting was also attended by representatives of potential residents of SEZ Perm.
During the meeting, the members of the Expert Council reviewed three new applications for resident status and analyzed draft business plans of companies planning to set up their production facilities in the SEZ Perm.
Among the companies intending to become residents of the Special Economic Zone, JSC "ODK-Perm Motors", which is a part of the state corporation JSC "ODK", engaged in the production of aviation gas turbine engines for civil and transport aircraft, submitted its revised application within the framework of implementation of the 1st stage of the project. The goal of the potential resident of the Perm SEZ is to build a production complex for serial production of aircraft engines. The total area of the land plot for the construction of the new building on the territory of SEZ "Perm" will amount to 10 hectares. Due to the construction of the new production complex the company plans to create 417 new jobs. The company is ready to invest about 16.6 billion ₽ (excluding VAT) to realize its project.
Another company that applied for resident status was the elevator and elevator systems production company Lift-Service LLC. The aim of the company's project is to build a new complex for the production of passenger and cargo-passenger elevators, as well as elevating platforms for the disabled. The plant for the production of elevators and elevator systems will be located on the territory of the special economic zone "Perm" on a plot of 1 hectare. The realization of the project will create 50 new jobs. The amount of investments that Lift-Service LLC is ready to make for the implementation of its project will amount to about 123 million ₽ (VAT excluded).
Proxy LLC presented its investment project for the establishment of a plant for experimental and special machine building. The aim of the company's project is to build a plant for the production of special technological equipment for machine-building, oil and gas and construction industries. The main products manufactured on the territory of the special economic zone will be tank, mixing, transportation equipment, as well as metal structures and other. To realize the project, Proxy Ltd. intends to contribute 279 million ₽ (excluding VAT). The company expects to create 120 new jobs and the land plot will cover an area of 2 hectares.
According to the expert opinions of the Council members, all the submitted business plans meet the evaluation criteria and were unanimously supported. As a result, all the companies that submitted applications will receive the status of residents of the Special Economic Zone of Industrial and Production Type "Perm". The next stage will be the preparation and signing of the Agreement on carrying out industrial and production activities on the territory of SEZ "Perm" between the residents, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Perm Region and JSC "Managing Company "SEZ Perm".