Resident status

  • How do I get resident status?
  • How will the actual evaluation of investments of a SEZ resident be carried out? What is the minimum amount of investment?
  • Are there any restrictions on the types of activities for residents?
  • Where should the resident be registered?
  • What benefits does an SEZ resident receive?
  • When and how does a resident begin to enjoy the benefits?
  • In what cases can I lose my residency status?
  • Does a resident have the right to open branches outside the Perm SEZ?
  • Are there any requirements for resident performance (volume of revenue, return on sales, minimum wage level of employees, tax burden requirements)?
How do I get resident status?

An SEZ resident may become an individual entrepreneur or a commercial organization registered in the territory of the municipality within whose boundaries the SEZ is located - i.e. the city of Perm or the Perm Municipal District of Perm Krai.

The company must be engaged in industrial production or logistics activities.

There are 3 steps to becoming a resident:

  • Step #1: applying for resident status to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Perm Krai;
  • Step #2: рассмотрение заявки на Рабочей группе;
  • Step #3: the signing of the agreement on the implementation of activities;

Set of documents to be submitted to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Perm Krai:

  • Application;
  • A cover letter to the application;
  • Appendix to the application: Resident's Roadmap;
  • Appendix to the application: Performance indicators;
  • Паспорт инвестиционного проекта;
  • Questionnaire of a potential resident;

Before you start preparing the documentation, we recommend that you talk to a representative of the Managing Company SEZ «Perm» to get acquainted with the project and clarify all the details.

How will the actual evaluation of investments of a SEZ resident be carried out? What is the minimum amount of investment?

For a resident of a special economic zone of industrial-production type, the minimum volume of investments is set at 120 million ₽, of which at least 2/3 must be invested within 3 years from the date of conclusion of the agreement.
The evaluation of investments is carried out according to the volume of capital investments of the SEZ resident. Money can be used to purchase any tangible assets: land, equipment, construction of buildings, etc.

Are there any restrictions on the types of activities for residents?

The territory of the Perm SEZ «Perm» is allowed to operate:

  • industrial and production activities - production and (or) processing of goods (products) and their sales;
  • logistics activities — provision of services for the transportation and warehousing of goods;
  • techno-innovative by decision of the Expert Council.

The territory of the Perm SEZ «Perm» is not allowed:

  • development of mineral deposits, except for the development of mineral water deposits and other natural therapeutic resources;
  • production and processing of excisable goods (except production of cars, motorcycles, production and processing of ethane, liquefied petroleum gases and liquid steel).
Where should the resident be registered?

The resident must be registered in the territory of the municipality within whose boundaries the SEZ is located.
SEZ «Perm» is located on the territory of the city of Perm and the Perm Municipal District.

What benefits does an SEZ resident receive?

Corporate income tax:

  • in terms of payment to the federal budget: 2% from the moment of profit;
  • in terms of payment to the regional budget:
    • 0% from the moment of profit for 5 years;
    • 5% from the 6th to the 10th year;
    • 13.5% from the 11th year.

Transportation tax:

  • 0% from the moment of vehicle registration for 10 years.

Property tax on property of organizations:

  • 0% from the moment the property is registered for 10 years.

Land Tax:

  • 0% from the moment of occurrence of the right of ownership of the land plot for 5 years.
When and how does a resident begin to enjoy the benefits?

The resident begins to enjoy the benefits:

  • after signing the agreement on carrying out activities in the SEZ territory and obtaining the status of a SEZ resident;
  • after the start of operational activity, at the commissioned facility, in the case of construction of its own production.

A resident receives benefits by presenting a certificate certifying the registration of a person as a resident of a special economic zone to the relevant executive authorities.

In what cases can I lose my residency status?

A company can lose its residency status if it fails to comply with the terms of the agreement or carries out activities with the following serious violations:

  • carrying out business activities in the SEZ that are not provided for by the agreement on the implementation of activities;
  • failure to carry out activities for twenty-four consecutive months;
  • failure to provide project documentation;
  • failure to make investments, including capital investments, in the amount and within the time frame provided for in the Agreement.
Does a resident have the right to open branches outside the Perm SEZ?

A resident has no right to have branches and representative offices outside the territory of SEZ Perm.

Are there any requirements for resident performance (volume of revenue, return on sales, minimum wage level of employees, tax burden requirements)?

Requirements for a resident are established individually in the Agreement on the Implementation of Activities in accordance with the Investment Project Passport.

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