Ilya Shulkin, CEO of Perm SEZ Management Company, will speak as an expert at the open session of the Perm Engineering and Industrial Forum 2023


We invite you to take part in the open session "Development of industrial infrastructure in preferential territories". The event will be held in conference room No. 5, November 30, 2023 at 16:30 as part of the Perm Engineering and Industrial Forum 2023.

The experts will be pioneers in the field of industrial infrastructure development on preferential territories in the Perm Krai - Director General of the Perm Region SEZ Perm Management Company JSC Shulkin Ilya Grigorievich and Director of Technopark «Morion Digital» Yagafarov Oskar Faitovich. Special guest of the platform - Deputy Director Cluster associations, Technoparks and SEZs in Russia Kravchenko Evgeny Igorevich, Moscow.

Among the issues to be discussed at the event will be the realization of new investment projects on the territory of SEZ SPT Perm. Participants of the open session will discuss the requirements for residents and preferences in SEZ Perm, infrastructure opportunities, as well as new projects. At the same time, the specifics of the creation and management of industrial clusters, industrial technology parks, and high-tech technology parks, as well as measures to support them, will be discussed. The session participants will also discuss the advantages of creating industrial clusters and the requirements for their creation.

Special attention will be paid to state support measures and mechanisms to stimulate the development of industrial infrastructure.

We would like to remind you that the event is planned within the framework of the regional forum, which has been held since 2014. Its key objective is to bring together industrial business, representatives of the scientific and educational sphere, interested investors, business community and government authorities on one platform. The exhibition exposition will present more than 50 participating companies. These are developers and manufacturers from Perm Krai in the field of digitalization of production, mechanical engineering, composite materials, industrial safety and ecology, new materials, chemical products for various industries.

Come to the PERM EXPO. Discussions and interactions on industrial production and investment are important for all.
Sign up on the forum's official website.